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SI-Cure Sacroiliac Joint Fusion System

If non-surgical treatments for your SI joint pain do not bring relief, your doctor may recommend SI joint fusion. The SI-Cure Implant was conceived and designed to optimize the treatment of patients with SI joint pain by providing compression, fixation and fusion. 

We have more than 5-years of clinical experience using a straightforward and clinically proven lateral technique. By focusing on fusion, the SI-Cure Implant offers patients the potential for great outcomes.

The Implants are made from medical grade titanium and have a textured surface that encourages bony on-growth to secure the implant in place. 

Features a Self-HarvestingTM design that collects your bone (autograft) as the Implant is advanced, thus eliminating the need for bone graft.
As the Implant is advanced, the helical design pushes the bone into the open architecture of the implant. This allows the Self-AdvancingTM autograft to backfill the length of the Implant.
Patented design provides graft contact through the length of the implant, promoting fusion along the full length of the implant.


About the procedure

The procedure is performed in an operating room under anesthesia. The procedure is done through a 2-3cm incision along the side of your buttock while you are under anesthesia. The doctor will use X-Ray or other imaging during the procedure to place the SI-Cure Implants. Two or three implants are used depending on your size. For information about the risks and safety information click here.

What to expect after fusion with the SI-Cure Implant 

After you are discharged, your doctor’s office will arrange follow up visits to track your progress. Your doctor will determine your post-surgical care based on your individual needs.

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